Earn That Point!

Earn That Point

How much do you know about Fernand? Test Your knowledge and EARN THAT POINT!!!

  1. Where is Fernand's hometown?

  2. New York, New York
    Rome, Italy
    Louhans, France

  3. What type of Cuisine did Fernand practice?

  4. Nouvelle Cuisine
    Molecular Gastronomie
    Farm to Table

  5. Who did Fernand hide during the war?

  6. Africans

  7. Fernand's famous book is titled...

  8. On Food & Cooking
    Ma Gastronomie
    Ma Culinaire

  9. What recipe took Fernand almost 10 years to perfect?

  10. Gateau Majorlaine
    The BigMac
    Coq Au Vin

  11. The name of Fernand's restaurant is...

  12. The Savoy
    The French Laundry
    La Pyramide

  13. It's named this because...

  14. of the roman pyramid sculpture outside
    of the pyramid's of Giza
    of the pyramid he built out of Legos

  15. Fernand liked to...

  16. play pranks

  17. Fernand had a recipe for the perfect fried egg

  18. True
    I'm so confused...

  19. How awesome is this blog?

  20. just awesome
    wow! this is awesome
    I can't handle how awesome this is!!!

Thank you!